Here are some screenshots of the program in action. Click on a thumbnail for a larger version.
The Song Window
This is Anthem's main window. It shows the song layout and allows access to all editors, gadgets and other functions. This screenshot also shows the Studio Clock window and Phrase List Window on the right. The Transport Toolbox is shown at the bottom.
The Piano Roll Editor
This is one of Anthem's musical Phrase editors. You can attach powerful 'map windows' where you can 'draw' control changes, key velocities etc.
The List Editor Window
This is another of Anthem's Phrase editors. Note that program changes and controllers are shown and are editable by name. You can restrict the display to a given time range using the controls on the right hand pane.
The MIDI Mixer Window
Anthem provides a number of useful on screen gadgets. This mixer allows you to visualise and alter a range of MIDI parameters in real time.
The On Screen Keyboard Window
Another gadget in Anthem's comprehensive feature list.